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UP Group carry automatic shrink packing machine, desktop sealing machine and multi-lanes liquid packing machine to participate in Hispack 2018

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-05-23      Origin: Site

UP Group carry automatic shrink packing machine, desktop sealing machine and multi-lanes liquid packing machine to participate in Hispack 2018.  

The Hispack Barcelona international packaging exhibition is one of the fourth most famous packaging exhibitions in Europe. In the past several exhibitions, the number of international exhibitors from France, Italy, Germany and Holland is increasing. The HISPACK is sponsored by Fira Barcelona and the BTA (Food Technology Exhibition), hosted by the REED exhibition company of ALIMENTARIA (Spanish food exhibition) and was first held in 2009 which makes the exhibition the top three of the European machinery technology and food industry comprehensive trade show. The food and beverage industry is a major consumable of packaging and containers and machinery, which makes it possible to hold packaging exhibitions and food exhibitions at the same time. Based on this, HISPACE&BTA will aim to be the benchmarks in the food and beverage industry in Europe. In this exhibition, many customers are quite interested in our demo machine and we achieve great success in this exhibition.

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