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LQ 4800 Laser Imagesetter


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LQ 4800 Laser Imagesetter
  • LQ 4800

  • UPG

LQ 4800 High precision, full automatic, 60m lining by roller laser imagesetter without any dark room is the latest product developed by Eastcom in 2003 with full automatictity operation during whole process, grid reverting exactly and high precision resetting and so on. Also it is the ideal choice of large plate making center , news printing, circuit printing and escutcheon trade.
Technical specification: 
1. Exposure dimensions: 457mm × 635mm / 457mm × 355mm 
2. Scanning precision: 1500dpi---4000dpi (choose)
3. scanning mode: external drum, broad band laser scanning with high speed  
4. Repeatability Precision (mm) <&plusmn; 0.010mm 
5. Operation mode : full automatic,on-line operation with 60m roll film and processor, 
without dark room
6. External dimensions : 2390mm &times; 1130mm &times; 1260mm 
Packaging dimension: 2 wooden box
2). 2020&times;1050&times;1350mm
7.NW:900KG  GW:1100KG

Exposure dimensions457mm *635mm 
Scanning precision: 1500dpi---4000dpi (choose) 1500dpi---4000dpi (choose)
scanning modeexternal drum, broad band laser scanning with high speed 
Repeatability Precision<0.010mm 
 Operation modefull automatic,on-line operation with 60m roll film and processor, 
without dark room
External dimensions 2390mm*1130mm *1260mm 

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